Apple's latest iOS update is released so that iPhone users won't miss a call

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Apple's latest iOS update is released so that iPhone users won't miss a call
Apple pushed out a can of Raid today that exterminates some bugs that were becoming an annoyance to both iPhone and iPad users. Obviously, we weren't being literal as iOS 13.1.3 and iPadOS 13.1.3 were disseminated by the company, not bug spray. Among the issues fixed by the iOS update is one that kept an iPhone from ringing or vibrating during an incoming call. Hmm...that seems like something that an iPhone user might want to fix immediately.
A bug in the Mail app fixed by iOS 13.1.3 prevented those with an iPhone from opening in the app an invitation to a meeting. The update also fixes an issue where data in the Health app wouldn't display correctly after the phone adjusted to Daylight Savings Time. After installing the update you might find that apps launch better through Game Center and Bluetooth based headsets and hearing aids connect more reliably. Also fixed by iOS 13.1.3 are the following problems:
  • Voice Memos and apps fail to download after being restored from iCloud.
  • Apple Watch fails to pair with an iPhone.
  • Notifications fail to appear on Apple Watch.
  • Bluetooth connection abruptly ends in certain vehicles.
The iPadOS 13.1.3 update fixes these issues:
  • Users unable to open a meeting invite in the Mail app.
  • Voice Memos and apps fail to download after being restored from iCloud.
  • Bluetooth connection abruptly ends on certain vehicles.
  • Bluetooth headsets and hearing aids connect more reliably.